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Credit Card Late Fees Capped at Minimum Payment

New fee restrictions included in the Credit CARD Act of 2009 are set to take effect this month. And one important change you may not have heard about yet mandates a new limit on the amount credit issuers can charge for late fees.

Effective August 22, 2010, your credit card company can no longer charge a late fee in excess of the minimum payment amount due on your monthly bill. So, even though your card may levy a $35 late fee under normal circumstances, the maximum late fee would be reduced to $15 if your minimum payment is also $15.

Likewise, credit card fees in general will be capped at $25 unless you were late making payment during the previous six months. In that case, credit issuers may still charge fees as high as $35.

on Mon, 2010-08-16 17:00