Credit Repair

Credit Repair

Have Confidence In Your Credit

This guest post was written by Rob, a personal finance blogger and editor of, the personal finance blog that aims to help you to become more financially resourceful.

With an increasing number of people feeling insecure in their jobs and the cost of living continuing to rise, recent studies have shown that young people feel more confident and have better self-esteem if they know their credit score is good.

Want to repair your credit score? Here are 3 tips to get organized

If you’re looking to improve your less than perfect credit score (and kudos to you for taking a step in the right direction), we know that it can be hard to figure out where to begin. Like, really hard.

How Charge-Offs and Collections for the Same Debt Appear on Credit Reports

[credit bureaus You have the dreaded double whammy on your credit reports—a charge-off and collection for the same old debt.  But how did this happen? Frankly, the whole process can be quite confusing to most consumers, which is why I've done my best to break it down into the following six simple steps.  While your situation might be a little bit different, my experience has been that 90% of the time this is exactly how it all plays out.

Date of First Delinquency (DOFD) and Why It Matters

 We always see increased activity in our Credit Talk Forum as the new year begins.  It makes complete sense since the start of a new year often brings a renewed sense of urgency to get your financial house in order. And for a lot of people these days, the number one thing on their mind is cleaning up their credit reports and getting their credit scores back to an acceptable level so they can purchase a new home, car, or get their foot in the door for a new job.  So how do most people start the process? They typically begin researching online, joining forums, pulling free credit reports, and wondering "when will these old debts I've been trying to ignore for all these years actually go away?"  This is a question I've seen and answered in our forum at least a dozen times this month, so I thought it would be a good idea to quickly address it here on the blog as well.

How to Rebuild Credit After Bankruptcy

Going through a bankruptcy can be painful, but the bankruptcy itself usually isn't what causes all the ulcers and sleepless nights. Those often arrive in full force after the bankruptcy is finalized and you're trying to repair your damaged credit.  The process can be infuriating! Fortunately, the mantra "time heals all wounds" directly applies to rebuilding your credit as well.  Of course, that doesn't mean you should just sit back and do nothing to improve your financial situation, so let's discuss a few of the practical methods you can use to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy.

5 Steps to the Best Budget

If you haven’t been following the news recently, then you’ve been missing out on quite the political battle in Washington, DC over our nation’s debt. I’d go into more detail, but the specifics and grand-standing would probably give you a headache. To make a long story short: we need to cut spending and raise revenues, but neither party can agree on a way to move forward and the President is left shaking his head at party leaders behaving more like spoiled children rather than statesmen. Our national budget may be a mess, but yours doesn’t have to be. Creditnet has an easy, 5-step process to making sure your budget is sound so you don’t end up with a crippling debt like Washington.

Three Essential Steps To Improve Your Credit


Credit scores. . . To many of us, they seem like arbitrary numbers that can be frustratingly impossible to manipulate. To others, credit scores are quite the opposite; understanding and improving them has become a challenge from which many financial benefits can flow. When I sit down with a client who has been dealing with less-than-wonderful credit, they usually know which financial mishaps and choices got them there. And although time and the responsible use of credit cards for bad credit should help them finally regain control, understanding what makes up a credit score could have kept them out of trouble in the first place.

I'm On A Boat!

I woke up laughing this morning, shaking off a rather interesting dream. My everyday life had apparently intertwined with my upcoming beach vacation and a Saturday Night Live skit. Joined by my sidekick T-Pain, I was on the biggest yacht my eyes had ever beheld. We were sailing the Pacific, wearing tuxedos, and singing about how awesome it was to be on a boat. Then, out of nowhere, the dream went sour.


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