Credit Education

Credit Education

Are You Having These Money Arguments with Your Partner?

Every couple argues about money. If you haven't already had a heated screaming match with your significant other about money, the chances are high that there's one in store soon enough.

The American Institute of CPAs reported in 2012 that couples will most likely argue about money before anything else. In fact, couples tend to argue more about finances than work, children, friends, and household work. It was also reported that couples who spend their days bickering over finances are at a much bigger risk for divorce.

Is Mobile Banking Bad For You?

One of the greatest changes in the world over the past twenty to thirty years is the internet. Not only has the internet essentially transformed the value of information, but it has also transformed how everyone approaches common tasks that were more complicated years ago. One of the areas that has undergone the most dramatic change is the field of banking. In years past, knowing your local bank and the people that worked there was one of the things you simply just did as an adult.

Should You Lend Money to Friends?

When a friend asks to borrow money, you undoubtedly feel like they've put you on the spot. Of course, you do want to help your friend out, but there's probably a reason he's turning to you rather than to the bank. You may be the most financially successful person in your group of friends, but this doesn't mean that they should treat you like an ATM. On the other hand, if you want to help your friend out, you can do so in a way that makes it more likely for you to keep your friendship and get your money back.

Is Your Significant Other Causing You to Break the Bank?

In most cases, the word "savings" and the word "dating" do not go hand-in-hand. Although you will certainly be responsible for spending more money on your significant other and yourself than you would on yourself alone, your significant other does not have to completely rob you of all of your financial freedom. Here are just a few of the top ways to tell if your significant other is breaking your bank.

The Millennial's Quandary: Rent, Buy, or Just Stay Home?

The intersection of the so-called American Dream and the Millennial Generation - those people born between 1990 and 2000, plus or minus a few years - is a very interesting phenomenon to look at and study. By all accounts, Millennials are the most politically active, technologically savvy, socially conscious generation since, well, ever maybe, yet they routinely fail to find purpose on the path of daily life. 

Are You Making These Stupid Shopping Mistakes?

Shopping isn’t always a bad thing. It can help you improve your credit, but many people aren't aware of the best ways to do this. There are a lot of insider tips that can make a big difference to your final bill and help you rack up a lot of points on your card. Unfortunately, many people make these simple shopping mistakes that end up costing a lot.

Is This the End of ATM Cards?

Despite the popularity of ATM cards to consumers, it seems that they will soon become extinct. There are actually two primary forces moving against the ATM card — one being customer convenience and security, and the other being cost efficiency for banks. 

Daylight Savings: Saving You Money and Time

With the days growing longer and warmer and the clock set forward an hour, many people are adjusting to the time change and getting ready for summer. However, what most people don't realize is that Daylight Savings Time can actually help bolster their financial and credit health and save them money as well. Here are ten ways Daylight Savings Time can help a money-savvy person save money and use time more efficiently!
1. New Vistas In Dating

Top Things to Know About Your Taxes

The 2015 tax season brings about a variety of changes for every consumer. From the new healthcare law and required payments for penalties to adjusted calculations for different tax brackets, you might be surprised at how much of a refund you get or how much you have to pay. 

How Expensive is Your City?

Many individuals today are struggling with high expenses and may be having trouble making ends meet. For some, it is a regular battle each month to find funds available to pay all of the bills that pile up in a mailbox. Others may be falling farther behind each month because their spending exceeds their take-home income. If you can relate to these financial challenges, it may have crossed your mind that your city may simply be too expensive for you to live in. 


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