credit news

credit news

Americans' Late Credit Card Payments Lowest Since 1994

The biggest news circulating on the cyber news stands this week was the fact that late payments on credit cards are at their lowest point since 1994.

According to the Fox Business report by Kate Rogers, "payments that are at least 90 days overdue fell in the second quarter 0.57%..." That would be the second-lowest rate in almost 20 years. When grunge was king and pogs were still a thing, the rate was 0.56%.

Credit News Roundup: Credit Card Use Up, Delinquencies Down in May 2013

Some interesting news out today regarding credit cards and the economy at large, as numbers from May trickle in. According to USA Today (via statistics from the Federal Reserve), credit card usage - and balances - were up considerably from May to April.

How well do you know credit? Take the VantageScore Credit Quiz and find out!

I was on CBS News this morning when an article by Kathy Kristof caught my eye. The subject was "What hurts your credit?" and, as she states right there in the title, "many have no clue."

How to Stay Safe Using Credit Cards this Holiday

About the Author: Kasey Steinbrinck is a former TV producer and newspaper reporter who now writes about personal finance and consumer news for The CheckAdvantage Blog. CheckAdvantage offers an affordable alternative to ordering business and personal checks from your financial institution.

Ask Our Readers: Tell us how Hurricane Sandy affected you in a credit-related way

First off, we would be remiss if we didn't send our condolences and best wishes to those affected by Hurricane Sandy.