Credit Card Purchase Protection

Credit Card Purchase Protection

The Best Guide for Protecting Your Credit

Statistics state that at least 9 million consumers fall victim to identity theft each year. Approximately 10 percent of Americans have been victims of credit card theft alone. The staggering numbers indicate that consumers need to start taking immediate precautionary steps. The following are some steps that modern consumers can take to protect their credit.

Why Credit Card Protection Plans Aren't Worth Jack Squat

Many credit issuers really push the sale of credit card protection plans on their customers.  Why?  Because they're extremely beneficial to the credit card companies' bottom lines. These plans basically claim they will help guard against an unexpected illness or job loss by paying off your credit card balance for you.  However, while the marketing spiel may sound good to your ears, the reality is that they are expensive and provide little value in return for most cardholders.

How Credit Cards Protect Purchases

You already know about bonus travel miles and cash back rewards, but some credit card benefits stretch well beyond instant savings on a vacation getaway. Many credit cards include purchasing safeguards that protect against anything from rental car insurance to extended warranties. If you can't find your credit card policy or if you're confused by the jargon, call your bank or credit card provider to ask about the benefits you're entitled to. Taking the time to understand your credit card protection plan might determine when you use credit or cash on your next big purchase.