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Credit Scores: Does Your State Have Good Credit?

Check out this infographic to see how your state stacks up against others in terms of average credit score.

Kim Kardashian Wedding Madness Reminds Us of Her Insane Credit Card

kardashian credit card

It seems impossible to escape the reach of the Kardashian family these days:

A hit reality show on E! network.

Enough magazine covers to wallpaper an aircraft hangar.

And now Kim Kardashian's wedding has all of Hollywood talking.

Indeed, the omnipresence of the three sisters is inevitable. And this feeling of inescapability is just what the Kardashians like. Don't believe us? Just take a look at the credit card (or shall we say, Kredit Kard) they introduced last year, and you'll see just how predatory these three sisters really are. Thankfully, public backlash against the card's outrageous policies led to its discontinuation just 19 days after its debut.

Credit Cards & the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Obama signs Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

On July 21 of last year, President Obama signed the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in response to the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. The act contains many provisions aimed at better regulation and oversight of the financial industry, and it was primarily penned by former Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts.