Kimberly Rotter

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Kimberly Rotter

Kimberly Rotter, MBA, is a personal finance writer and debt management expert. She contributes to Creditnet, Credit Sesame, Credit Card Insider and Manilla. Her work has also appeared on Yahoo! Finance, Redbook, Citibank, and many other high profile websites in the finance industry.

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Recent Blogs

Why You Shouldn't Fall for Store Credit Card Offers (and When You Should)

The holiday shopping season is officially upon us, and since Hanukkah starts very early this year (November 27), shoppers are expected to be out in full force from now till Christmas. If you're brave enough to join the masses at your local department store or shopping mall, you're sure to encounter more than your fair share of cash register credit card offers. That's when the helpful attendant ringing up your purchases excitedly informs you that you could save 10, 20, even 25 percent on today's purchases by obtaining a store card right now!

Top 5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft (and a little-known 6th)

Falling victim to identity theft is no joke. At its mildest, a small-time crook who finds your lost wallet is able to make a few purchases before the credit cards are canceled. The credit card issuers relieve you of any responsibility for the fraudulent charges and you're left with only the creepy knowledge that someone out there might still be carrying around your driver's license and pictures of your kids.