

How Will Foreclosure Affect My Credit?

The credit markets are in the tank, and mortgage foreclosures are happening everywhere in today's economy. Whether voluntary or involuntary, it's important to understand that a foreclosure on your home will severely damage your credit score. In fact, a mortgage foreclosure will remain on your credit file for 7 years and will have a significant impact on your ability to borrow anything in the future.

on Sat, 2008-09-27 17:00

Economic Crisis: Perspective Is Everything

Having worked at the World Trade Center, Merrill Lynch, Washington Mutual, and one of the country’s largest insurance firms, I feel very connected to many of the institutions and events that are in the news every day. I never could have imagined the changes the financial industry has experienced over the last seven years, and, with this most recent economic crisis, I know that many are wondering, “What in the world is going on” and “How does it affect me?” Let me first say that despite what the media would have you believe, we have seen this before and we will get through it.

Beware of High-Tech Identity Theft Tactics

For the eighth year in a row, identity theft led the way in 2007 as "the number one consumer complaint category". The list of Top Consumer Fraud Complaints also reported that the most common form of identity theft was credit card fraud, which accounted for a large portion of the $1.2 billion in consumer fraud losses last year. It's clear that identity theft is not only here to stay, but it's one of the fastest growing crimes in America.

on Sat, 2008-09-20 17:00

What Should I Look For On My Credit Report?

If you already have excellent credit and sparingly apply for new credit, checking your credit reports once a year might be sufficient. However, if you are in the process of rebuilding your credit or preparing to make a large purchase within the next year, you will want to take a look more often. Once every three months is a good place to start. Credit reports are long, so which information should you look at first? Here are the top five things to verify when reviewing you reports:

on Sat, 2008-09-20 17:00

Credit Talk Forum Helps Users Navigate the Credit World

Are you ready to take matters into your own hands and improve your credit? If so, congratulations for having the courage to do something about your credit problems. Many people choose to avoid the issue in every way possible, so you are taking an important step in the right direction. Making the time to repair your own credit is also an excellent alternative to paying an expensive credit repair agency to accomplish tasks you can complete right from the comfort of your home.

on Sat, 2008-09-13 17:00

Want a Lower Credit-Card Rate? Just Ask for It

Existing credit card customers are of great value to credit issuers, and that will never change. In fact, some analysts estimate it costs credit card companies more than $200 to acquire a new customer. Therefore, once they have you, they really don't want to lose you. So if you are unhappy with your current interest rate, the best thing to do is simply pick up the phone, call the number on the back of your credit card, and tell them what you want. You may be surprised how easy it really is.

on Sat, 2008-09-06 17:00

Pain at the Gas Pump

Filling up at the gas pump hurts me. I mean, I literally feel like throwing up as I stand there watching the dollars roll on by as gas trickles into my tank. I remember when I was 16 and I could fill up my tank for less than $15. No wonder so many 16-year-olds nowadays would rather have their parents chauffeur them around than get their licenses and be responsible for their own gas!

Beware of Voter Registration ID Theft Scam

Identity theft scammers never grow tired of finding new ways to deceive the unknowing into divulging personal information over the phone. In fact, the recently reported that identity theft scammers are hard at work using the looming election day as a new way to steal your personal information. Don't be fooled - protect yourself and your credit score!

on Sat, 2008-08-30 17:00

Can a Prepaid Debit Card Really Help Me Build Credit?

The answer is no… but also yes! So are you confused yet? Read on...
