student loan debt

student loan debt

Can Student Loan Debt Jeopardize Retirement?

If you have student loan debt, could it hinder your chances of retiring the way you want to or retiring at all? The answer to that question depends on what type of debt you have, how much student debt that you have and what your retirement timeline is. In some cases, cosigning on a student loan could have an impact on the length and quality of your retirement.

How Fast Should You Pay Off Student Loans?

Like so many others in our country, I’m in debt. Fortunately, it’s more of what some have termed the “good” kind of debt—the kind used for getting educated—but it’s debt nonetheless. So the big question that everyone with student loans, including myself, asks themselves at some point in time is "how fast should I pay these things off?" Some feel the lower interest rates justify a slower approach to tackling them, while others hold a more feverish Dave Ramsey approach.  Which is the right path to take?