Weekly Tips

Weekly Tips

3 Credit Reporting Agencies You've Never Heard Of

Everybody knows about the "Big 3"—Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. But did you know there are 3 other companies out there keeping track of your personal information and selling it to those who want to know more about you?

on Sun, 2010-11-14 16:00

720 FICO Score Marks New Threshold for Best Rates

Real estate values continue to drop around the country while interest rates remain at historic lows. If you've had your eye on that perfect home for the past few years, this may seem like the perfect time to finally take the plunge and become a homeowner.

But wait - will you be able to qualify for the best mortgage rates and terms based upon your current FICO score?

on Sun, 2010-11-07 16:00

How to Cancel Credit Cards the Right Way

If your goal is to improve your credit score, closing all your credit cards isn't going to help. However, there are various legitimate reasons for closing credit lines.

on Wed, 2010-11-03 17:00

How to Activate a Fraud Alert

Ever had a conversation with a shady customer service agent who demanded your FULL social security number and other personal information, which you reluctantly handed over? It can be a rather unsettling feeling when you realize that you probably just gave out way too much information to someone that might not actually be who they said they were. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help set your mind at ease.

on Sun, 2010-10-24 17:00

Credit Card Protection Insurance: Is it Worth It?

Credit card companies use a variety of creative names for credit protection insurance, but they all provide essentially the same service. You pay a monthly premium, and in return you get the piece of mind that comes along with knowing your credit card payments (often only the minimum payments) will be covered in the event of unemployment, disability, or even death.

on Sun, 2010-10-17 17:00

Beware of New Debit Card Fees

Debit card issuers can no longer charge hefty overdraft fees unless you opt into their overdraft protection service. And much to their dismay, customers haven't been signing up in droves. So how are they making up for the lost overdraft fee revenue? New fees, of course.

But shouldn't debit cards be "free" to use in the first place? Well, in the past, debit card users grew accustomed to using their cards as a transaction-free method of payment. However, more and more consumers are now reporting the appearance of annual fees and/or transaction fees on their bank statements.

on Mon, 2010-10-11 17:00

Top 10 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Credit

The most difficult part about beginning a new exercise routine is getting your butt off the couch to go to the gym. Yes, those endless reruns of "America's Next Top Model" can be quite hypnotizing, but think about how great you'll feel once you see the results of your hard work take shape in the form of rock-hard abs!

Similar to getting your body back into shape, rebuilding or repairing your credit isn't something that happens overnight. It will take a lot of hard work and perseverance, but in the end the results are always well worth the time spent.

on Wed, 2010-10-06 17:00

Credit Card Debt and Community Property Laws

Married couples, especially those that have been separated for a long time, often assume that one spouse cannot be held responsible for the other spouse's credit card debt unless they are joint account holders. Unfortunately, for couples that live in a community property state, this isn't the case.

on Mon, 2010-10-04 17:00

Understanding the Statute of Limitations on Debt

A common misconception among consumers is that their credit card debt will simply go away once the Statute of Limitations (SOL) has expired. However, in reality, the debt goes nowhere and creditors still have the right to try and collect what is rightfully owed to them. So, what good does understanding the SOL do when attempting to clean up your credit reports?

on Sun, 2010-09-26 17:00

Small Collection Accounts Ignored by FICO '08

Too many credit scores have been wrecked by something like an annoying $50 medical bill that falls through the insurance cracks and ends up on your credit report before you ever receive a bill. We all know it can happen to the best of us.

on Sun, 2010-09-19 17:00
