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Have You Outgrown Your Credit Card?

Having access to credit is a great thing. You can make large purchases and then pay for them in monthly installments, build a credit history and have an emergency fund in your wallet at all times. However, credit cards have added several new features and perks that older credit cards may not have had. That begs the question of whether or not you have outgrown your current credit card. 

Weekly Tip: Avoid overdraft fees.

Although it may seem obvious to avoid overdraft fees, many people overcharge their credit card and end up paying for it. One time might be okay, but these charges add up fast. And if you are consistently forgetting, you’ll end up spending a lot of money on overdraft fees. 
on Fri, 2014-08-15 12:07
FICO, formerly known as Fair Isaac Corp, has just released a new model for credit scores. On Thursday, the company announced that the latest version will no longer weigh medical debts as a part of the score. It will also discount overdue medical payments yet to be made. 

10 Cities with the Top Credit Scores

Basically, one's credit score is a three-digit number that can be generated by a professional mathematical algorithm. It is used in order to help predict if one is at risk of failing to pay back on loans issued to them. The most popular type of credit score is the FICO score, and these scores have a range from 300 to 850. Using this system, lenders can get a better grasp on if people that are asking to lend money are more likely to pay them back or not as they are supposed to.

Mid-year Check Up: Is Your Money in Order?

Life as a responsible adult means juggling and properly handling finances. The overwhelming majority of all adults throughout the nation have debt, with roughly a third of Americans falling into delinquency, according to a 2014 report from USA Today. The average person also has a minimum of two credit cards, a mortgage or similar loan, and other finances to juggle. Checking your personal finances is a necessity to keep in good standing with creditors and to keep your credit score, investments, interest rates, and other fiscal aspects healthy.
Chip enabled credit cards were supposed to be the newest technology to prevent hackings and mass identity theft. But according to the latest Black Hat cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas, that may not be true. Two security researchers showed Thursday that criminals could easily take control of a shop owner’s credit card terminals and steal that information.

Is Your Partner Financially Unfaithful?

The National Endowment for Financial Education recently published a poll that revealed a startling new statistic: one third of adults involved in relationships that have combined finances admits to deceiving their significant other financially. More than 3 quarters of the individuals surveyed claimed that their relationships have been negatively by financial deceptions.

How to Score the Best Deals on Back to School Shopping

With August having started and summer quickly coming to a close, the school season is rapidly approaching. While you may have left over supplies from the previous school year, each teacher inevitably requires either more items or more expensive items, making the end of summer a financial hit only second to the holidays. With careful planning and dedication to that plan, your budget does not have to undergo an entire revamp just to make sure the young ones have a calculator.

Is Peer to Peer Lending the Future?

Traditional banks may be viewed by the government as too big to fail, but they aren't too big to face a growing level of competition from a new, technology-driven lending platform. This platform is known as peer to peer lending. In this nascent lending dynamic, online intermediaries bring borrowers and lenders together without the need for a big bank or financial institution. Lenders in a peer to peer setting are not large, structured entities such as banks, but individual investors seeking a more profitable alternative to traditional bank deposits.

Weekly Tip: Buy generic.

Should you get Advil or the CVS version?
on Fri, 2014-08-01 10:31
