money-saving tips

money-saving tips

Do Women Spend More Money Than Men?

It is an interesting concept to consider. Who spends more money? Women or men? There are many gender stereotypes at play here that may influence your initial idea of which sex spends more money overall. Women are seen as "addicted to shopping." Many people assume that women love to spend a Sunday afternoon at the mall, picking out a new outfit or purse, while men couldn't think of anything they would despise more. Men, on the other hand, are seen as egotistical, needing to flaunt their wealth by purchasing outrageously expensive items, from fancy cars to gleaming watches.

Is Your Significant Other Causing You to Break the Bank?

In most cases, the word "savings" and the word "dating" do not go hand-in-hand. Although you will certainly be responsible for spending more money on your significant other and yourself than you would on yourself alone, your significant other does not have to completely rob you of all of your financial freedom. Here are just a few of the top ways to tell if your significant other is breaking your bank.

Daylight Savings: Saving You Money and Time

With the days growing longer and warmer and the clock set forward an hour, many people are adjusting to the time change and getting ready for summer. However, what most people don't realize is that Daylight Savings Time can actually help bolster their financial and credit health and save them money as well. Here are ten ways Daylight Savings Time can help a money-savvy person save money and use time more efficiently!
1. New Vistas In Dating