money management

money management

How to Deal with Tricky Money Situations

Anticipating the financial challenges that life might throw your way can be difficult, and that’s why it’s a good idea to think about such situations far in advance. Most families at some point are going to have trouble making ends meet, and how you elect to address those problems will have a major impact on how long they might last. When is it wise to use credit cards to bridge a monetary gap? Should you consider seeking a loan from a family member? Are you saving enough during the good times to handle a possible bad stretch?

Do You Have These Money Fears?

Money fears are more common than you might think. One recent survey by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants showed that 44% -- nearly half – of all US adults are worried about money and that of the adults who indicated that they were financially stressed, only about 28% would see any change in their financial stress level within the next six months. Further, several studies have shown that, nowadays, almost 80% of American families are living with debt.

Are You Having These Money Arguments with Your Partner?

Every couple argues about money. If you haven't already had a heated screaming match with your significant other about money, the chances are high that there's one in store soon enough.

The American Institute of CPAs reported in 2012 that couples will most likely argue about money before anything else. In fact, couples tend to argue more about finances than work, children, friends, and household work. It was also reported that couples who spend their days bickering over finances are at a much bigger risk for divorce.

Financial Advice in the Dating World: Who Pays?

Throughout human history, men have provided for the women. This trend is evident in all records of ancient hunting-gathering societies, so it is not likely to be circumvented any time soon. In evolutionary terms, the top indicator of being an alpha male has always been an ability to support and shelter women. And in more recent times, men have earned higher wages so as to “provide” for the family. In general, this is why men are expected to cover first date expenses.

Where Does Your Money Go?

Many a person has found himself asking one particular question over and over again. “Where does all my money go?” A financially literate person will know the answer to that question. According to the United States Government Accountability Office, financial literacy “is the ability to make informed judgments and to take effective actions regarding the current and future use and management of money.

Should You Manage Your Own Money?

Whether you have an education in finance and understanding how credit works or if you are simply interested in getting smarter with your finances altogether, determining whether or not you should manage your own money greatly depends on your future goals, your own ambitions as well as your ability to stay focused and organized on your own. Knowing how to manage your finances or when to turn to a professional can ensure you are capable of avoiding debt at all times, regardless of any monetary-related situation you may find yourself in.

The Price of Money

What's the real price of money? Check out this infographic to find out!