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What's Loss Mitigation?

What does this financial buzzword you're hearing everywhere really mean? If you're a homeowner facing the possibility of foreclosure, it should mean a great deal to you because loss mitigation is a process available to help keep you in your home. And while loss mitigation includes various methods used to negotiate terms with home lenders, each method has the same goal in mind - to stop the home foreclosure process before it occurs.

So, if you've received a dreaded foreclosure notice from your lender or are worried about keeping up with future mortgage payments, don't give up all hope! Take the time to search for an experienced firm that will work with you as a partner to negotiate better terms and keep your home out of foreclosure. Diamond Consulting Group, a reputable California-based firm specializing in loss mitigation, may be the perfect place to start getting some of your questions answered.

on Mon, 2008-11-17 16:00