Creditnet Video Archive: Credit FAQ's and Advice

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Video: What the Credit CARD Act of 2009 Requires of 21-Year-Olds

Are you under the age of 21 years old but hoping to get approved for a credit card? This explains exactly what is required by the Credit CARD Act of 2009 of students and consumers under the age of 21 eager to build credit.

Video: The Do's and Don't's of Applying for a Credit Card

Want to learn about the Do's and Don't's of applying for a credit card? In this video, find out what you should and shouldn't do when applying for your first credit card.

Video: Credit Card Fees Explained

Depending on the credit card, there are several fees to consider before applying. Annual fees, interest fees, late fees - it's important to get familiar with all of the charges you might be expected to pay on a card before actually applying to a card.